2019-2021 News

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Pull Reports 2.0 Released

December 2nd, 2021

Pull Reports is proud to announce the introduction of the no cost, Community Edition with the 2.0 release. Community Edition supports most Pull Reports features including the CSV, HTML, JSON, and XML export formats, canned queries, configurable security, and intuitive report creator.

The new, Standard Edition, commercial license adds support for the KML, GeoJSON, Map, HTML Tree, and JSON Tree premium export formats.

See the Administrative Guide, License documentation for more about Community and Standard Edition deployments. Note, the new deployments come with an upgrade to the end user license agreement.

Read the full release notes within the 2.0 documentation.

Pull Reports 1.7.4 Released

November 4th, 2021

Html, Html Tree, and Map export improvement

The Html, Html Tree and Map export report formats now allow the user to change the export format to any other format. Previously, one could only export to CSV, JSON, XML, and KML.

Read the full release notes within the 1.7 documentation.

Pull Reports 1.7.3 Released

October 1st, 2021

GeoJSON and Map export improvement

The GeoJSON and Map export report formats now include exported columns from to-one descendant tables.

Read the full release notes within the 1.7 documentation.

Pull Reports 1.7.2 Released

August 9, 2021

Pull Reports 1.7.2 fixes one major and two minor defects.

Read the full release notes within the 1.7 documentation.

Pull Reports 1.7.1 Released

June 2, 2021

Pull Reports 1.7.1 upgrades Pull Reports creator Javascript dependencies.

Read the full release notes within the 1.7 documentation.

Pull Reports 1.7 Released

May 18, 2021

Release 1.7 is a maintenance release with dependency upgrades, defect fixes, and API improvements. The API improvements include many naming standardizations which result in deprecations and some breaking changes.

Read the full release notes within the 1.7 documentation.

Pull Reports 1.6 Released

August 12, 2020

Tree export formats

Release 1.6 introduces new tree graph export formats completely unique to Pull Reports. Instead of "flattening" relational data into one export table, tree exports return data graphs which follow the relational joins of the underlying database.

Export tree graphs to the browser with format HTMLTREE or use them as machine readable report services with JSONTREE.

See an example HTMLTREE export.

Return to Creator from HTML exports

Release 1.6 supports a new navigation button from HTML export formats back to the Report Creator.

Table displayName output in HTML exports

Release 1.6 now outputs the table displayName value above each column within HTML export formats.

Read the full release notes within the 1.6 documentation.

Pull Reports 1.5.1 Released

February 3, 2020

Pull Reports 1.5.1 closes two defects.

Read the full release notes within the 1.5 documentation.

Pull Reports 1.5 Released

December 17, 2019

Adjustable width columns within the Report Creator

Release 1.5 adds adjustable width columns to the Report Creator. To adjust column width, click and drag the column borders to the left or right within the Result Preview.

Width adjustments persist within the user's browser local storage.

Display of table and column descriptions within the Report Creator

Table and column descriptions are now visible within the Report Creator Result Preview. To view a table or column description, click the description indicator in the bottom left corner of the respective table or column header cell.

Read the full release notes within the 1.5 documentation.

Pull Reports 1.4.7 Released

November 29, 2019

Pull Reports 1.4.7 closes one medium defects.

Read the full release notes within the 1.4 documentation.

Pull Reports 1.4.6 Released

November 24, 2019

Pull Reports 1.4.6 closes one medium defects.

Read the full release notes within the 1.4 documentation.

Pull Reports 1.4.5 Released

September 16, 2019

Pull Reports 1.4.5 closes one medium and two minor defects.

Read the full release notes within the1.4 documentation.

Pull Reports 1.4.4 Released

August 23, 2019

Pull Reports 1.4.4 reduces the size of the Pull Reports CSS file by 17% for faster Report Creator startup time, upgrades the Bootstrap dependency, and closes one defect.

Read the full release notes within the 1.4 documentation.

Pull Reports 1.4.3 Released

July 27, 2019

Pull Reports 1.4.3 adds support for Oracle 18c and updates dependency libraries.

Read the full release notes within the 1.4 documentation.

Pull Reports 1.4.2 Released

June 14, 2019

Pull Reports 1.4.2 closes two defects within the Report Creator.

Read the full release notes within the 1.4 documentation.

Pull Reports 1.4.1 Released

May 14, 2019

Pull Reports 1.4.1 adds support for MySQL 8, closes defects, and provides a small enhancement to the Export Report API.

Read the full release notes within the 1.4 documentation.

Pull Reports 1.4 Released

April 4, 2019

User Interface Upgrade

Pull Reports is happy to announce the 1.4 release. In this release, the Report Creator receives a new, streamlined look and several usability upgrades. The improvements increase the size of the results preview, improve usability on mobile devices, and help users better navigate through complex report tree graphs.

Demo new creator interface.

Canned Queries

Additionally, release 1.4 introduces Canned Queries to Pull ReportsCatalog Configuration. A Canned Query is a collection of Export Report API parameters with a name and optional description. Use a Canned Query to provide one click access to report exports via the new Canned Query Viewer.

Demo new canned query viewer interface.

Improved Creator Initialization

Release 1.4 also simplifies the Report Creator JavaScript initialization and adds two new initialization properties to support extending the creator with your own custom features.

Read the full release notes within the 1.4 documentation.

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