December 12th, 2018
Pull Reports™ now hosts a Maven repository for the benefit of license holders and trial users wishing to manage their Pull Reports™ installation with Gradle or Maven. Learn how to use the new repository to manage Pull Reports™ dependencies at the installation guide.October 25, 2018
Pull Reports™ is happy to announce the 1.3 release. This release adds access control to each level of the report configuration hierarchy. Customize access per user to Catalogs, Reports, Relationships, and Columns. Furthermore, lists of label/values within the Pull Reports™Ad Hoc Creator filter web form may also be customized per user.
Additionally, release 1.3 introduces the Catalog Configuration API. The API is a Java bean specification that permits programmatic creation of Pull Reports™configuration. Use the Catalog Configuration API to configure reports from dynamic sources such as network resources or database queries.
Lastly, release 1.3 debuts an improved user guide with additional example documentation and a more readable structure.
Read the full release notes for more information.
October 18th, 2018
The U.S. FWS now uses Pull Reports™ to distribute the Section 7 Consultation Issued Biological Opinions dataset. This important dataset contains information about the U.S. FWS determination regarding the effect of proposed actions on species listed as Threatened or Endangered under the U.S. Endangered Species Act.
March 3, 2018
Pull Reports™ is happy to announce the 1.2 release. This release adds the ability to define database tables as subqueries within the report export SQL query. Subqueries may be dynamically generated at request time to implement custom query requirements such as row based access control.
Read the full release notes within the 1.2 documentation.
January 25, 2018
Pull Reports™ now supports installation within the Spring Boot application development framework. For users seeking help with Spring Boot Pull Reports™installations, see the installation documentation and quick start repository.
December 21, 2017
Pull Reports™ is happy to announce the 1.1 release. This release adds two important enhancements, multiple usability improvements, and new software support.
First, filter parameters within the Export Report REST API may now contain OR logic. This enhancement greatly increases the API's flexibility. For example, the following filter parameter from the Pull Reports™ demonstration application finds records by birth year or weight.
&filter=/athlete@date_yr between 2000 and 2004 or /athlete@weight > 10
Additionally, the Ad Hoc Report Creator now provides convenient drag and drop controls to add OR filter terms to any existing filter.
Secondly, release 1.1 adds a SQL button to the Ad Hoc Report Creator Results Preview to allow access to the export report SQL. The SQL functionality is inactive by default for security. However, Pull Reports™ administrators may activate the button via startup configuration properties and control access via the new /pullreports/admin/URL resource path.
Release 1.1 also adds a user requested Filter button and streamlined Column buttons to the Ad Hoc Report Creator plus support for Postgres 9.6, SQL Server 2017, and Grails 3.3.
Read the full release notes within the 1.1 documentation.
September 7, 2017
Pull Reports™ is happy to announce the 1.0 release. This release builds on the REST API enhancements of release 0.10 and adds the ability to individually include and reposition columns within the Pull Reports™Ad Hoc Report Creator. Additionally, release 1.0 debuts an upgraded Ad Hoc Report Creator interface with several usability enhancements including a single page design with minimal scrolling, drag and drop interactivity, and full text search of report metadata.
Read the full release notes within the 1.0 documentation.
The Pull Reports™ Ad Hoc Report Creator responds to browser screen size and capability to provide a custom, quality user experience within any device.
May 26, 2017
Pull Reports™ is happy to announce the 0.10 release. The highlight of this release is the ability to specify the exact columns to export from the Export Report REST API. Additionally, the 0.10 release includes defect fixes, minor performance enhancements, and better error handling.
Read the full release notes within the 0.10 documentation.
Prior to release 0.10, a client could join all the columns from a table into the export result by specifying the table's path within the columns parameter like so:
In release 0.10, the client may optionally suffix the columns parameter table path(s) with the @ sign followed by one to many column ids. Instead of all columns within the table, Pull Reports™ will only export the given columns in the given order.
In addition to loading XML catalog files from the Java classpath and Java URIs, 0.10 allows dynamic generation of XML from a Java factory class. Create XML catalogs from any remote source such as relational databases and content management systems.
March 10, 2017
Pull Reports is happy to announce the 0.9 release. The release includes several usability and configuration enhancements. Read the full release notes within the 0.9 documentation.
In addition to defect fixes and minor enhancements, the 0.9 release includes the following highlights:
The improvements include quick-read column lists, the ability for multiple tables to be open at once, and improved indicators for which tables are included within an export.
Release 0.9 allows per report specification of all configuration properties including JNDI Data Source and logging configuration. Additionally, the release supports flexible decoration of HTML exports via Server side includes.
January 19, 2017
Pull Reports has a quick start example application publicly available on GitHub to help users understand the various installation components in a working application.
In order to run the example, contact the Pull Reports sales team to receive an evaluation license.
December 15, 2016
Pull Reports is happy to announce the 0.8 release. The release includes several Ad Hoc Report Creator and Web Service enhancements. Read the full release notes within the 0.8 documentation.
In addition to numerous defect fixes and minor enhancements, the 0.8 release includes the following highlights:
The Ad Hoc Report Creator now has full screen mode to better utilize all available screen space.
Pull Reports now installs within the popular Grails 3 web development framework.
The Ad Hoc Report Creator now supports type-ahead search when choosing filter values.