GET Label Value List


The GET Label Value List endpoint returns a JSON representation of a label value list for use within the Pull ReportsReport Creator to display an option list of possible filter values.


The GET Label Value List endpoint returns a JSON representation of a <label_value_list>. This endpoint is used by the Pull ReportsReport Creator to display an option list of possible filter values within the create filter web form.





The required column parameter specifies full column resource path to the parent <column> of the <label_value_list> to be returned. This parameter must be specified exactly once.


Response Content-Type:  application/json


Status Code: 200

Responses without error have this structure:

Example 1. 
    // "/tableA/tableB@columnId" represents the column resource path of the parent <column>
        ,group:string // nullable

Bad Request

Status Code:  400

Parse errors in the column parameter result in a 400, bad request response status code. Information about the error is logged to the com.pullreports.HTTP logger and written to the HTTP response with this structure:

 // messages: array of message Strings.

Internal Server Error

Status Code:  500

HTTP requests which result in an internal server error log information about the error to the installation WAR's application logger and write a message describing the error to the HTTP response with this structure:

 // messages: array of message Strings.