

Learn how to configure SLF4J logging within Pull Reports™ Ad Hoc reporting and data service software.

Pull Reports™ uses the SLF4J API for logging. To configure logging, see the installation guide which corresponds to your Pull Reports™ deployment environment.

Named Loggers

The following named SLF4J Loggers control log output associated with specific Pull Reports™ functions.

Table 1. SLF4J Loggers
Logger NameDescription
com.pullreports.ADMINLogs administration information typically at the info level. For instance, logs license information such as the term of the license and maximum number of report instances upon Pull Reports™ start up.

Logs SQL queries sent to the database from the Pull Reports REST API. Set to debug to log all database queries and parameters.

See below for how to configure the logger for a specific <catalog> or <report>.


Logs problems with HTTP parameters sent to the PullReportsServlet.

See below for how to configure the logger for a specific <catalog> or <report>.

Logging for a specific <catalog> or <report>

To isolate com.pullreports.SQL or com.pullreports.HTTP logger configurations to a specific catalog, (.) append the <catalog> and, optionally, <report> id to the logger.

Example 1. SQL logger <catalog> my-catalog

Example 2. SQL logger <catalog> my-catalog and <report> my-report