GET Export Report HTML Tree Format


Description of the HTML Tree export format of the GET Export Report API.

The htmltree format returns a list of HTML <table>s for each distinct row of the report's base table which matches the requested filters. The table rows are either the requested <column>s or requested descendant <relationship>s.

It is required to specify table primaryKeyColumns attributes to activate the htmltree format.

See the jsontree export format for a JSON analog of htmltree.

See the html export format for a denormalized return of column values in a single HTML <table>.

Format Parameter:  htmltree

Response Content-Type:  text/html

Pull Reports™ Standard Edition Format

This format is only available under the Pull Reports™ Standard Edition license. To evaluate this format with a Pull Reports™ Community Edition license, enable evaluation mode.

OK Response

Status Code: 200

Htmltree format responses without error are valid HTML5 documents with each row of exported data from the report's base table displayed in an HTML <table>. Exported child relationship columns of cardinality one are included as nested <table>s. Exported child relationship columns of cardinality many are included as nested lists of <table>s.

Error Response

Status Code: 400 and 500

Htmltree format responses with error have the same structure as Error responses from the html format.

Behavior of the distinct parameter

See the description of the distinct parameter for tree formats within the jsontree documentation.

Behavior of the filter parameter

See the description of the filter parameter for tree formats within the jsontree documentation.

Exporting denormalized relationships

Each descendant relationship of cardinality many included within the htmltree export results may be exported via the download links in the upper right of the page. The links export the to-many relationship columns plus all columns higher in the report's relationship graph included in the export results.