GET Export Report JSON Format


Description of the JSON export format of the GET Export Report API.

Table of Contents

The json format returns a JSON array of arrays which are the denormalized values of the requested base table columns joined to any descendant relationship columns.

See the jsontree export format for a normalized return of JSON objects.

Format Parameter:  json

Response Content-Type:  application/json

OK Response

Status Code:  200

JSON responses without error have this structure:

// meta: contains meta information about the results. 
    // filters: (Optional) contains information about the filters applied to this 
    // result set if applicable. 
    "filters": [
          {"source":string    // String representation of the original filter parameter.
           ,"readable":string // Contains the readable filter String with Table and Column 
                              // DisplayName's substituted for id's.
    // subqueries: Array of subqueries applied to this export result.
    // Only non-empty if a <subquery>'s parent <table> is included
    // within the export result and the <subquery> has a description.
    "subqueries": [
          {"tablePath":string    // The table resource path to the <subquery>
           ,"displayName":string // The displayName of the <subquery> parent <table>
    // columns: meta information about the columns of the result set. The order 
    // of child objects matches the order of array elements in each 
    // "data" array.
    ,"columns": [
          {"id":string           // The id of the <column>
           ,"displayName":string // The displayName of the <column>
           ,"tablePath":string   // The table resource path to the <column>
    // sorts: Array of column sorts applied to this export result. Else the empty Array.
        ,"source":string // the value of the "sort" term.
    // The total number of results to be returned based on the filter and columns
    // parameters. This can differ from the length of the data array
    // if the limit and offset parameters are specified. 
// data: array of arrays representing the results
// All values are coerced to a JavaScript type appropriate for their database type
// (i.e. String, date, number). <column>s with a <url_template> are represented via
// a JavaScript Object with attributes "url" and "value"
,"data": [
   [value1, value2, {"url":string,"value":string},...]
Example 1. Example JSON Output Format
"meta": {
             "source":"/student@fname like 'J%'"
             ,"readable":"'Student', 'First Name' like 'J%'"
             "source":"/student@lname = 'Hernadez'"
             ,"readable":"'Student', 'Last Name' = 'Hernandez'"
             ,"displayName":"Student ID"
             ,"displayName":"First Name"
             ,"displayName":"Last Name"

Error Response

Status Code:  400 and 500

JSON responses with error have this structure:

 // messages: array of message Strings.
Example 2. Example JSON Error Output Format
      "The filter \"/student@id & 173\" does not match filter grammar. The \"Operator\" definition is missing or unparseable."