GET Report Information


The GET Report Information API returns JSON metadata about a single Ad Hoc report and data service in Pull Reports™. The metadata includes the report's id, name, columns, and related tables.


The GET Report Information endpoint returns meta information about a <report>.



Instead of to appending .json to the end of the URL, it is permitted to use the application/json Accept request header.



If true, "pretty" formats the returned JSON with white space and end-of-line characters.


Response Content-Type:  application/json


Status Code: 200

Responses without error have this structure:

    ,"formats":[{   // Array of available export formats
       ,"group":string ("Report"|"Data Service")
    ,"defaultColumns":[string] // Array of default base table column ids
        // direction is either: "asc", "desc"
      ,"terms": [{
    ,"exportSqlIsActive":boolean  // True if the report supports the Export SQL end point
    ,"catalog": {           // The <catalog> of the <report>
    ,"global" {
          // type is of: "canned", "user"
          // viewMode is of: "table", "map"
               // direction is either: "asc", "desc"
        ,"path":string    // The table's resource path
            // paramType is either: "String", "Boolean", "Long", "Integer",
            // "Float", "Double", "Time", "Timestamp", or "Date"
            // true if the <column> has a child <label_value_list>
            ,"table":{table object}


Status Code: 403

Responses which do not pass an <access_control_voter> associated with the <report> or parent <catalog> return a 403 response.

Internal Server Error

Status Code: 500

Responses with an internal error have this structure:

 // messages: array of message Strings.