Description of the HTMLTABLE export format of the GET Export Report API.
The htmltable
format writes HTML to the HTTP response body.
The returned HTML is internally valid XML but not valid HTML since it is neither
encapsulated with <html>
nor <body>
This allows the returned HTML to be embedded within the DOM of an HTML
Format Parameter:
Response Content-Type:
Status Code:
HTML Table responses without error have this DTD structure:
<!DOCTYPE table [ <!ELEMENT table (caption?,thead,tbody)> <!ELEMENT caption (aside,h5,ul)> <!-- aside: Contains the total row count --> <!ELEMENT aside (#PCDATA)> <!-- h5 and ul: optionally rendered if at least one filter or subquery with a description is applied to the export results. In the case of filters, the h5 contains the 'Filters' title, and the ul contains human-readable filters (with table and column displayName substituted for id's) in a bulleted list. In the case of subqueries with a description, the h5 contains the 'Subqueries' title, and the ul contains the <subquery> description. --> <!ELEMENT h5 (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST h5 class CDATA> <!ELEMENT ul (li)> <!ELEMENT li (#PCDATA|em|samp)> <!ELEMENT em (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT samp (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT thead (tr)> <!ELEMENT tbody (tr)> <!ELEMENT tr (th|td)> <!-- th: Contains the <column> displayName --> <!ELEMENT th (#PCDATA)> <!-- th attributes: The 'tablePath' and 'columnId' value of each column is added as a data attribute for every column header. This makes it possible to find the column associated with a given tablePath and columnId with a selector tool like JQuery. --> <!ATTLIST th data-tablePath CDATA> <!ATTLIST th data-columnId CDATA > <!-- td: Contains the row value --> <!ELEMENT td (#PCDATA|a)> <!-- a: <column>'s with a <url_template> have their values surrounded with an HTML anchor tag (a) with the filled URL template as the value of the href attribute. --> <!ELEMENT a (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST a href CDATA> ]>
<table> <caption> <aside>From 1 to 2 of 2</aside> <h5 class='filters-title'>Filters</h5> <ul> <li>Table: <em>Student</em>, Column: <em>First Name</em> <samp>like</samp> 'J%'</li> <li>Table: <em>Student</em>, Column: <em>Last Name</em> <samp>=</samp> 'Hernandez'</li> </ul> <h5 class='subqueries-title'>Subqueries</h5> <ul> <li>Table: <em>Student</em>: Rows are restricted to those students within your school.</li> </ul> </caption> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablepath="/student" colspan="3">Student</th> </tr> <tr> <th data-tablePath="/student" data-columnId="id">Student ID</th> <th data-tablePath="/student" data-columnId="fname">First Name</th> <th data-tablePath="/student" data-columnId="lname">Last Name</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>177</td> <td>Joe</td> <td><a href="/some/url/177">Hernadez</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>213</td> <td>Julia</td> <td><a href="/some/url/213">Hernadez</a></td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
Status Code:
and 500
HTML Table responses with error have this structure:
<!DOCTYPE ul [ <!ELEMENT ul(li)> <!ATTLIST ul class CDATA "error"> <!ELEMENT li(#PCDATA)> ]>
<ul class="error"> <li>The filter "/student@id & 173" does not match filter grammar. The "Operator" definition is missing or unparseable.</li> </ul>