Export Decoration


Learn how to add custom code to the HTML head and body elements within Pull Reports™ Ad Hoc reports.

Table of Contents

Three Export Report REST API formats, html, htmltree, and map return complete HTML documents to be displayed in a web browser. By default, the HTML is undecorated such that the Pull Reports™ export content fills the entire <body> element.

Pull Reports™ provides two techniques to decorate the exported HTML with additional HTML content: Servlet includes and SiteMesh.

Servlet Includes

Configure the inclusion of html or jsp content via export.report.include-prefixed configuration properties. The value of these properties is a resource path within the deployed WAR to be include via RequestDispatcher#include into one of three places within the HTML DOM:

  • before the close of the <head> element

  • after the start of the <body> element

  • before the close of the <body> element

The export.report.include-prefixed configuration properties may be specified multiple times within pullreports.properties to specify or override behavior for specific formats, HTTP response codes, <catalog>s, or <report>s.

export.report.include property name structure

The structure of export.report.include-prefixed configuration property names is:


Where (...) demarcated terms are required and [...] demarcated terms are optional. The | character separates the permitted values for a particular term.

When resolving an inclusion value for a particular report, Pull Reports™ follows these rules to determine precedence:

  • Properties specified for a particular report via [.catalogId][.reportId] take precedence over values specified for a particular catalog via [.catalogId] which take precedence over values specified without reference to a catalog or report.

  • Properties specified for either the html, htmltree, or map format via [.html|.htmltree|.map] take precedence over values specified without a format.

  • In the case of a 400 or 500 HTTP response, properties specified with a [.400|.500] status code take precedence over values specified without status.

Simple example:  Here is a simple example which includes a navigation.html header at the top of all html, htmltree, and map export formats:


To override the property for a all <report>s in <catalog id='my-catalog'>, add a second property suffixed with the catalog id:


See additional configuration examples below.

export.report.include property name terms


Specify either the html, htmltree, or map term to apply the property to the html, htmltree, or map format respectively. If not specified, the value of the property applies to all formats.

(head.end|body.start|body.end) (Required)

Specify the inclusion location with the HTML document via one of the three following terms.

  • head.end: before the close of the <head> element

  • body.start: after the start of the <body> element

  • body.end: before the close of the <body> element


Specify either the 400 or 500 term to apply the property to the respective HTML response code. If not specified, the value of the property applies to all response codes.


Specify a <catalog> id and, optionally, <report> id to limit the property to a specific catalog or report.

export.report.include property examples

The following example pullreports.properties contains several permutations of the export.report.include-prefixed properties with explanatory comments.

# Configures default body.start and body.end includes for all responses 
# of 500 (error) status

# Configures default body.start and body.end includes for all responses 
# of 400 (bad request / validation error) status

# Configures default head.end include for all export results of format type 
# map. The included file might contain CSS or JavaScript code to customize 
# the map export.

# Configures default body.start and body.end includes for all responses. 
# These includes could contain common header navigation and common footer 
# elements respectively.

# Override the includes for <catalog id='my-catalog'>.

# Override the 400 head include for the html format for <report id='my-report'> 
# within <catalog id='my-catalog'>.


Follow these steps to decorate the exported HTML with the SiteMesh framework.

  1. Make the SiteMesh JAR available to the web application into which Pull Reports™ is installed by placing the JAR within the WEB-INF/lib directory.

    If using Gradle dependency management, add the following dependency:

    implementation 'org.sitemesh:sitemesh:3.2.1'

  2. Create an extension of org.sitemesh.config.ConfigurableSiteMeshFilter which excludes the htmltable format from decoration.

    package com.pullreports.examples.sitemesh;
    import jakarta.servlet.*;
    import org.sitemesh.config.ConfigurableSiteMeshFilter;
    import java.io.IOException;
    public class ExampleSiteMeshFilter extends ConfigurableSiteMeshFilter {
        public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response,
            FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
            if ("htmltable".equals(request.getParameter("format"))){
                // Excludes the htmltable format from decoration.
                chain.doFilter(request, response);
            } else {
                super.doFilter(request, response, chain);
  3. Install the SiteMesh filter in web.xml.


  4. Create a sitemesh3.xml file within the WEB-INF directory with this content:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <mapping path="/pullreports/catalog/*" decorator="decorator.jsp"/>
  5. Create a decorator.jsp file within the WEB-INF/decorators directory and use the SiteMesh custom tags to apply the decoration.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>SiteMesh Demonstration</title>
        <sitemesh:write property="head"/>
        <h5>Decorated with SiteMesh</h5>
        <sitemesh:write property="body" />

After performing these steps, SiteMesh will decorate text/html responses.

See the SiteMesh documentation for more information about SiteMesh configuration.