Class ColumnsTerm


public class ColumnsTerm extends Object
Represents one semicolon separated term within the Export Report "columns" parameter.
  • Constructor Details

    • ColumnsTerm

      public ColumnsTerm(TablePath tablePath)
      Constructs a new ColumnsTerm with the given TablePath. The List of Columns within the export result will be the exportable, permitted columns from the referenced TablePath.
      tablePath - The full table resource path from which to construct the ColumnsTerm. The TablePath must include the report's base table id as the first path element.
    • ColumnsTerm

      public ColumnsTerm(TablePath tablePath, List<ColumnId> columnIds)
      Constructs a new ColumnsTerm with the given TablePath and column ids.
      tablePath - The full table resource path from which to construct the ColumnsTerm. The TablePath must include the report's base table id as the first path element.
      columnIds - The optional list of ColumnIds of the Table to include in the export results.
    • ColumnsTerm

      public ColumnsTerm(TablePath tablePath, ColumnId... columnIds)
    • ColumnsTerm

      public ColumnsTerm(TablePath tablePath, String... columnIds)
    • ColumnsTerm

      public ColumnsTerm(String tablePath, String... columnIds)
    • ColumnsTerm

      public ColumnsTerm(String tablePath)
  • Method Details