Interface CatalogConfigurationFactory

public interface CatalogConfigurationFactory
A CatalogConfigurationFactory is responsible for the creation of one CatalogConfiguration during Pull Reports initialization. Implementing a CatalogConfigurationFactory is the required starting point for catalog configuration via the Pull Reports Catalog Configuration API.

To register a CatalogConfigurationFactory within Pull Reports, precede the fully qualified name of the class which implements CatalogConfigurationFactory with the term factory: in the space separated list of catalog configuration elements in the catalogs Pull Reports configuration property:

See the Pull Reports Administrative Guide properties reference for more information.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    makeCatalog(jakarta.servlet.ServletContext servletContext)
    Returns the CatalogConfiguration from this factory.
  • Method Details

    • makeCatalog

      CatalogConfiguration makeCatalog(jakarta.servlet.ServletContext servletContext)
      Returns the CatalogConfiguration from this factory.
      servletContext - The ServletContext of the Pull Reports installation WAR. Use the ServletContext obtain context resources such as database connections established by other JEE web components.
      the CatalogConfiguration.