Class Sort


public class Sort extends Object
A Sort represents one term within the semicolon list of column resource paths (e.g. /tableId@columnId) plus direction term (e.g. asc vs. desc) within the REST API sort parameter or report catalog <export_config> defaultSort attribute.
  • Constructor Details

    • Sort

      public Sort(Column column)
      Creates a new Sort with SortDirection.ASC.
      column - the column for which to sort ascending.
    • Sort

      public Sort(Column column, SortDirection direction)
    • Sort

      public Sort(Column column, SortDirection direction, String originalTerm)
      column - The column of the SortTerm.
      direction - The direction of the sort.
      originalTerm - The original SortTerm string representation within either the sort parameter or <export_config> defaultSort attribute.
  • Method Details